為了讓大家享用有趣的 App,nCalculator 將推出免費版 "nCalculator Lite"。同時也針對付費版本進行使用者介面的改造以及效能提昇。增加繁體中文、简体中文、日本语版本。新版本內含迎春賀歲大紅的新介面,請持續關注我們的網站,讓你第一時間獲得好消息喔!
The free version of nCalculator is coming. It is named "nCalculator Lite". We hope everyone can enjoy nCalculator that's why we developed this free version. We also made UI modification on the paid version and also made bug fixed as well as performance improvement. The new version has added different language support, like Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified and Japanese. New version included glossy RED design calculator for celebrating Chinese New Year. Please keep watching our website. You will be notified at anytime.